Flower Decor Vision Statement

Spring Hill School is a top-quality preschool providing early education for children in the Mad River Valley and surrounding communities. Spring Hill is a creative and nurturing learning community for children, parents, and teachers. 

1.  We believe that the SHS philosophy is inspired by and grounded in the Reggio Emilia Approach to early childhood education.

2. We believe that families should have the opportunity to enroll their children at SHS on a part-time or full-time basis.  

3. We believe that Spring Hill School is a two or three-year program.

4. We believe that the SHS Scholarship program should continue to grow and be utilized.

5.  We believe that the quality of the school depends upon the quality of the teachers. Teachers at SHS must be fairly compensated.  

6.  We believe that SHS is a learning community where children, parents, and teachers are valued and are supported in their learning and in fact learn from one another.

7.  We believe SHS should extend their offerings to the greater community of families in the Mad River Valley and beyond by organizing and/or sponsoring one or more educational, supportive events for parents and one or more fun-filled, participatory events for children and families, annually.

Adopted by the Spring Hill School Board of Directors
November 27, 2001 and updated in April 2019