Flower Decor Board of Directors

The Spring Hill School Board of Directors was formed when the School achieved nonprofit status in the fall of 1999. Board members are committed to the goals of the School and bring to the Board a full range of skills and perspectives. The Board bears final responsibility for the direction and control of the School, including setting and monitoring goals and policies, overseeing the administration, maintaining quality and monitoring finances.

The Board conducts annual program evaluations using input and information from parents and the teaching staff. Results are used for continuous program improvements and innovations and are shared with families.

The Board consists of seven to nine voting members; the Executive Director is a nonvoting member. Past or current parents of Spring Hill students represent the majority of the Board while the remaining seats are filled by individuals committed to the mission of the School and who are not necessarily parents.

Current Board members include Kira Harris (Executive Director), Lise Wexler (President), Madhurri Barefoot (Vice President), Kathryn Little (Treasurer), Laura Brines (Secretary), Eric Gallo, Mike Brown, Tyne Pike-Sprenger and Lindsey Vandal.

 Everyone is welcome to attend monthly Board meetings. The Annual Meeting is held in September. New Board members are usually voted in at this time.

Spring Hill parents and community members are encouraged to participate in active committees (including Personnel, Fundraising, Futures, Community Outreach and Buildings, and Grounds).  Participation in committees is flexible, enjoyable, and is appreciated by the entire Spring Hill School community.