Family Involvement
The Spring Hill Community is comprised of children, parents, grandparents, caregivers, teachers and other community members.
Families are vitally involved in the school by:
- sharing their understanding, joy, and frustrations regarding their child's development
- contributing ideas, questions, and resources
- assuming a specific task, possibly year-long, such as organizing the Message Center, doing laundry or helping with Memory Books
- visiting the class, sharing a story or special skill, musical instrument, eating lunch at the school
- driving or walking and accompanying a group on a field trip
- serving on a school committee, such as fundraising, playground rehab, the Family Concert, the Bid & Boogie
- attending special events, such as Reggio Night, Jump Up Day picnic, the annual Family Work Party
- keeping informed by reading all school communications (emails, newsletters, blog posts, Daily Journals), studying the documentation panels and attending parent-teacher conferences
Families are always welcome to visit at any time during hours of operation. Open communication and feedback are encouraged at all times.
We encourage you to touch base with us at pick up and drop off times, but lengthy conversations should be scheduled when teachers are not supervising children.
Questions, concerns or complaints may be shared with a child’s lunch bunch teacher and/or the director at any time in person or in writing. Every effort will be made to address areas of concern should they arise.
Other forms of communication can include lunchbox notes sent home weekly, email communication and informal daily conversations with your child’s teacher. Spring Hill School teachers work hard to meet the needs of all children. Individual plans may be developed with the parent to address particular needs and necessary adaptations and accommodations will be made to support these needs.