Flower Decor Donating and Giving

The magic of Spring Hill School continues as our young students learn songs, make friends, bake bread, ride the sledding hill and spy fairies in Foster Forest. Since receiving our non-profit status in 2000, the school has been focused on continuing to provide outstanding early childhood education as well as maintaining the exceptionally warm, creative, and nurturing environment that is a hallmark of our program.  

Key priorities have included ongoing program development and improvements to our facility and beautiful school grounds, community outreach, board governance, fundraising, and most importantly drawing and keeping talented teachers.

As we strive to keep tuition rates affordable while maintaining our quality programming, we continue to rely on the generosity of our alumni and extended Spring Hill family to keep the school thriving. 

Please consider a charitable contribution to Spring Hill School. Your gift will support the work of dedicated educators who inspire imagination, curiosity, cooperation, and respect among this youngest set of students.

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Tax-deductible contributions can be mailed to:

Spring Hill School
63 Spring Hill Road
Waitsfield, Vermont 05673