Welcome Violet
Welcome Spring Hill Friends!
The Violet Class is hard at work, making friends, learning the school routine and having fun! Here is a glimpse of our recent time together...
During Choice-Time, friendships grow.
We observe monarch caterpillars and butterflies, experiencing the life cycle (check out the butterfly window garden!)
We meet Shy Kitty, she teaches us her song and gives us gentle snuggles.
Warm kitty, soft kitty, little ball of fur... Sleepy kitty, happy kitty, purr, purr, purr...
Outside we interact and explore our surroundings.
For many families this transition to preschool is a big one. I’m sure each child has been tired each day. Play is hard work! We are all learning about one another and we are excited to have each of you as part of the Spring Hill family. We have a lot of growing and learning in our future and we can’t wait to share it with you.
Welcome to Spring Hill! E-news by,
Kate Butler