Color Mixing

During a morning color mixing choice I started a list of all the colors I heard the children making and discussing:
- Yellow
- Orange
- Darker orange
- Blue
- Clear
- Green
- Brown
- Tea color
- Light green
- Purply
- A super cool color
- Red honey
- Maple tea
- Blue, blue, blue
- Ghost color
- Pink
- Gold
- Black
- Blackish
- Dark green
- 4 greens
- Dark red
- Grey
- Golden
- 2 color purples
- Lemon honey grass
Conversation flowed about colors and methods as the children used one another as resources and social reflection.
"How did you make green?" - Madi
"I used blue and yellow." - Isla G
"First blue right? Then yellow?" - Madi
"Yes, then mix it." - Isla G
"Cool…green!" - Madi
"Black! I made black. I used all my colors together and made black." - Charlie
"Every color together makes black!" - Isla F
"How do you make green again?" - Madi
"Blue and yellow make green." - Clara
"Oh yeah." - Madi
"Let’s pretend we’re sisters and share colors a lot." - Isla F
"How about we share, Charlie?" - Madi
"Ok, let’s take turns." - Charlie
"More and more green, Ok?" - Madi
"It’s calm in here." - Isla G
"Mine is like a different green." - Charlie.
"This is the color of your eyeball in the middle." - Charlie
"I’m making a special color. I need some yellow. More blue!" - Isa F
"It’s blueish!" - Isla G.
When Clara said, “Let’s pretend we’re doing science!”, the play script took on a more dramatic theme with the children taking on roles and pretending they were scientists making new discoveries. I found this turn so interesting as they brought an imaginative element into the true scientific work they were actually doing. I observed how young children play and work on the edges of imagination and reality and how they not only recognized the science behind their experiments, but the opportunity for dramatic play and the story behind the work.
Kira Harris 10-28-19